15 (LOVELY& CREEPY) Facts of rabbits
15 LOVELY & CREEPY facts of rabbits . Rabbits are generally believed to be lucky spirit animals; they are usually seen as carriers of good and fortunate news, heralds of good times, prosperity, wealth, health, long life and love. ... Usually, dreams about rabbits are associated with family life, well-being, children, marriage and so. 1}The European rabbit lives underground, in burrows. A group of burrows is known as a warren . 2} Rabbits are born with their eyes closed and without fur. 3} Rabbits perform an athletic leap, known as a ‘ binky ‘, when they’re happy — performing twists and kicks in mid air! 4} Rabbits are amazing athletes — they can jump as high as 90 centimetres in one leap! 5} Carrots aren’t a natural part of a rabbit’s diet and can give bunnies an upset stomach if they eat too many. 6} A single bunny is a lonely bunny. Rabbits are social...